You can make all the difference in the world to someone in need......
Thousands of people in our area are just a paycheck away from homelessness...
Foreclosures, eviction, job loss, illness and the economy are finding more and more families temporarily without a place to live.
Many have run out of options and hope.
Just knowing someone cares can be life-changing.
Road to Damascus is a non-profit non-denominational faith based organization founded by concerned citizens and churches in Flint.
It was established in order to provide a 30 day emergency shelter that preserves the integrity of the family during their most trying time! During their stay they will be provided case management to help them achieve independence while staying in a comfortable, safe environment.
Road to Damascus is meeting the needs of the community...... by the Restoration of our thousands of abandoned homes and.... Transforming the lives of the homeless and at-risk families in Flint and surrounding communities.